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Review 2020
In 2020 the Swiss Fintech Fair took place under very special circumstances due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The event was hosted completely online and against all odds it was still growing getting more international. The digital trade fair counted more than 70 exhibitors in virtual booths and over 1'000 from 30 countries.
Please read the press release for more informationen and also feel free to watch the speaking videos below:
Speaking Videos 2020
Welcome to Swiss Fintech Fair 2020 by Christina Kehl, Swiss Finance Startups
Fintech Q&A: Mastering the 2020 challenges
Bancassurance 2.0 - Innovation in Bancassurance for SME by UBS
Product launch by Systemcredit
Fintech Company Presentations
key4 by UBS: The mortgage game changer
Open Banking Panel by Gian Reto à Porta, Swiss Finance Startups
Open Banking: Ein Jahr nach PSD2. Wo steht die Schweiz? by Finnova
Future jobs in Wealth Management by HWZ
Opening Panel - Growing stronger in crisis by Swiss Finance Startups
Swiss fintech growing stronger in crisis by Urs Häusler, Swiss Finance Startups
How breakthrough bechnologies are shaping the insurance industry by HITS - The House of Insurtech
The Bank of the Future by Q_PERIOR
Be trusted by SWQA
Clever grip on liquidity - the new UBS Multibanking for Corporates
Open Banking: Opportunity for Banks & FinTechs by Six Group
Panel - Business location Switzerland: Advantages for fintech companies by Thomas Brändle, Swiss Finance Startups
What drives the Wealth Experience? by aixigo
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