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AMNIS partners up with other startups for a super booth

Why we participate the Swiss Fintech Fair:

There are many reasons for us to participate at this well run event. We enjoy to be part of the Swiss Fintech Eco System. Last year’s attendance has brought us together with peers and potential clients and lead to highly fruitful partnerships. We are looking forward to further develop our network and strengthen existing relationships.

Meet us at our startup super booth!

This year, we are partnering up with our friends from Futurae, Loanboox and TaxLevel to create the ultimate super booth. We have a lot in store for our guests and we will make sure that no one will leave our booth thirsty!

What we do:

AMNIS simplifies Foreign Exchange and International Payments for SME. We offer state of the art treasury technology for SME at highly competitive, transparent and sustainable rates.


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