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Interested in commodity markets and risk management? Meet SteelHedge at the Swiss Fintech Fair!

We participate the Swiss Fintech Fair to raise public awareness about commodities financialization and engage with stakeholders in sustainable finance.


What we do:

SteelHedge is the first peer-to-peer platform for hedging market risk without financial intermediation and derivatives, making it easy and accessible across the steel value chain.

We exist to serve the real economy responsibly, as explained below.

Meet us at our booth:

We invite anyone dealing with or interested in commodity markets and risk management, especially producers, financiers and policymakers to come and meet us at our booth during the Swiss Fintech Fair.

We would like to show you how....

Financial interests seize commodity pricing without asking the real economy;

Mass "investing" in commodity derivatives disrupts physical markets;

Stakeholders may sort things out without financial regulation.

Over the years, both commodity exchanges and derivatives traded on them came a long way from their original purpose. Regulatory loopholes, low interest rates and trade tensions are fuelling unprecedented financial speculation that distorts commodity markets. While regulators don’t keep up with the pace of change, innovation offers a practical solution to the problem.

Get in touch and schedule a meeting at our booth during the Swiss Fintech Fair: If you would like to know more, share some information or setup an appointment, feel free to reach out to info(at)steelhedge .com


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